Ohai :)
My name is Sarah and I'm 16 years old from England.
For a 16 year old, I think I'm more accustomed with death than a great deal of other people my age. Events between October 2012 and February 2013 made me realise just how fragile life is - how precious it is really, and how easily it can be taken away from us. I know this may sound cliche and everything, but seriously, I mean it. I try to take each day as it comes, make the most of each day, do something I've wanted to do for a while every day - because I never know which day will be my last. Whether that means doing something extreme, or just watching that episode of Doctor Who I've wanted to watch a while, or reading that book I've been meaning to read a while, I try to do something every day. I also intend to travel the world, go to places I've never been before, try things I've never done before, go out of my comfort zone - living for those I love who are no longer here with me, who can't do these things anymore. They are my motivation for doing anything, those I love who I can't physically be with anymore, but who are always here with me in spirit - if me doing something would make them proud, then I will do it.
I love writing and reading, and have done for as long as I can remember. For some reason I'm better at updating things if they're on a keyboard rather than a proper pen-and-paper diary, and I want to remember things that have happened to me in the past. This blog is a record of things that have happened to me, for my nostalgia, for my embarrassment, and for anyone out there who bothers to read this - well, for their entertainment basically.
The amount of tea I consume is probably borderline dangerous, but I have never drunk alcohol in my life and have no interest in it either. I'm always the sober one at parties (how I still manage to get myself in tricky situations sober is beyond me, but a good indicator as to why I should not drink) so always end up the lucky one clearing up friends' chunder (yay!) or telling my friends the idiotic things they've done the next day - it's rather entertaining I must say. People say it must be boring but seriously, do not underestimate how entertaining being the sober one at parties is.
Music has quite literally saved my life, I don't know where I'd be without it; and I spend a lot of money on CDs and gig tickets - and in my opinion, it is entirely 100% worth it. Part of my whole 'living for the day' thing involves going to gigs - it costs a lot, but I never regret spending that money after going to the gig. Music says what simple words can't, and speaks for me when I don't know what to say; and just everything about it I find beyond incredible.
And this has rambled on for far too long, so I'll close this with a picture of me in a duck hat. Goodbye.
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